Chapter 3. Operation5 8 TSU 600 User Manual 61200.076L2-1CONFIGURATION (CONFIG)The Configuration menu is used to set the TSU 600operational configuration, including all networkinterface parameters and the allocation of the DS0sand the port parameters. See Figure 3-12.1) NETWORK (NI)1) FORMAT2) CODE3) YEL ALARM4) XMIT PRM5) TIMING MODE6) SET LBO7) INBAND LPBCK8) BIT STUFFING2) UNIT3) ACCESS4) INIT MODEM5) EXIT TERM MODE2)CONFIG3) MAP EXCHANGE7) PORT CONFIG1) COPY A > TEMP2) CREATE TEMP3) REVIEW MAP A4)REVIEW TEMP5) EDIT TEMP6) APPLY TEMP >A0.1 Nx56/64(OPTION PORTS)5) DS0 MAP A1) INTFACE2) RATE (56/64)3) TX CLK CNTRL4) DATA5) CTS6) DCD7) DSR8) "0" INHIB6) DS0 MAP B1) COPY B > TEMP2) CREATE TEMP3) REVIEW MAP B4)REVIEW TEMP5) EDIT TEMP6) APPLY TEMP > B1) MAP A @:HH:MM2) MAP B @:HH:MM4) MAP IN USE: A (B)OFFAUTO2) TRAPS1) CNTRL PORTFigure 3-12Complete Configuration MenuMenu flow is normally depicted from left to right.Arrows on the lower right of the screen indicate thedirection of scrolling to use to view additional menuitems. At every level of the menu pressing Cancelreturns the system to the previous menu level. Press-ing Cancel repeatedly returns the system to the Mainmenu.