633.5.2 PelletsYou can only use Ø6 mm pellets with a maximum length of 40 mm – type ENplus quality A1. We recommendthat you use pellets of a good quality – and preferably bright pellets instead of dark pellets. The quality of thewooden pellets has a direct influence on the noise level, the efficiency, and the cleaning interval of the stove.At our website you can find more information. Go to www.adurofire.com/aduro-hybrid under “Wood pellets”.4. The chimneyThe optimum combustion is achieved at a constant chimney draft of 10-14 Pascal (Pa) measured in the fluepipe above the stove (when having a smoke exhauster). However, with natural draft (chimney without smokeexhauster) the draft in the chimney will be between 18-25 Pa when conditions are optimum. There are manyfactors that affect the chimney draft, including the outside temperature, wind strength, and surroundingbuildings. There are no requirements with respect to specific chimney heights, but a chimney must be tallenough to provide a good draft. If the recommended chimney draft is not achieved, there may be problemswith smoke out of the door by firing.Data for chimney calculation WoodFlue temperature at [20°C] 273Chimney draft at testing power [mbar]/[Pa] 0.13/13Flue gas mass flow [g/s] 5.74.1 Inadequate draft in the chimneyIf the chimney is too short, leaks, or is inadequately insulated, there may be problems with the chimney draft(let the chimney sweep assess this). The draft should be sufficient during the ignition phase when thestove/chimney is cold to provide a clean combustion and prevent smoke leakage. Therefore, we recommenda chimney draft around 5 Pa in the ignition phase.Once the ignition is a success and the smoke temperature is rising, it is important that the chimney draftreaches a stable area around 18-25 Pa in operation (1 hour after ignition) when the chimney/stove is hot.The draft in the area of 18-25 Pa when the stove is hot is essential in order to achieve an optimum and cleancombustion and avoid problems such as pellet accumulation and smoke leakage. Therefore, we recommendthat you measure your chimney draft when the chimney is cold and when it is hot after 1 hour in operation.In practice, the chimney draft will differ – especially in cold condition. Therefore, the best indication of thechimney draft is to measure the draft when it is hot. If the chimney sweep judges the draft to be sufficient, butyou still have problems lighting a fire in “wood mode”, try extending the fire lighting phase by using more thinpieces of kindling and 1-2 firelighters, so that the chimney gets thoroughly warm. The chimney will not drawat optimum effect until it is warm. When a layer of embers has been formed, add 2-3 dry logs.When in "pellet mode", the stove will not be able to ignite and instead give the alarm “failed ignition” if thereis not enough chimney draft in the ignition phase. In this case, you can reset the alarm and try again. If thestove still does not turn on, you can heat the chimney by manually igniting the stove with sticks/woods as