IRw$$2 2,XISH2$$w$$2 2,2@ E$$2$ AXISH2$$ $$w Caution: In order to avoid a hazard thisappliance must be installed according tothese instructions for installationThe appliance unit can be mounted inany type of kitchen with a work topwhose thickness is between 28 mm and40 mm.ClearanceThe distance between the top side of thework top and the carpentry underneathmust be at least 47 mm.FixingScrew the fixing brackets out to such anextent that they can be turned in underthe work top. Tighten the brackets on tothe work top with an ordinaryscrewdriver.Cut-out measurementsOne rectangular hole is sawn out for theappliance combination chosen.The depth of the cut-out for any unit is:490 mmLength of hole = sum of all units`externally measured length, less 20 mm.Mounting of ReinforcementBeamsA reinforcement Beam, with supportingflanges at each end, is included witheach two-burner unit. For unitcombinations, a reinforcement beammust be used between each unit.Min. 47 mm