Problem Possible cause SolutionThe display shows F102. The door is not fullyclosed or the door lock isdefective.1. Fully close the door.2. Deactivate the appli-ance with the housefuse or the safetyswitch in the fusebox and activate itagain.3. If the display showsF102 again, contactthe service centre.The oven does not heatup. The display showsDemo.The demo mode is acti-vated.1. Deactivate the appli-ance.2. Press and hold thebutton +.3. When an acousticsignal sounds, turnthe knob for theoven functions to thefirst function. Demoflashes in the dis-play.4. Turn the knob forthe oven functions tothe off position.5. Release the button+.6. Turn the knob forthe temperatureclockwise threetimes. The acousticsignal sounds threetimes. The demomode is deactivated.The display shows an er-ror code that is not onthis list.There is an electronicfault.1. Deactivate the appli-ance with the housefuse or the safetyswitch in the fusebox and activate itagain.2. If the display showsthe error code again,contact the servicecentre.Steam and condensationcollect on the food andin the oven.You left the dish in theoven for too long.Do not keep the dishesin the oven for longerthan 15-20 minutes afterthe cooking ends.ENGLISH 33