ENGLISH 21ELECTROLUX / AEG MAJOR APPLIANCES -WARRANTY CONDITIONSFor domestic use only.Not for commercial or industrial use.Any alteration or modification of theequipment voids the warranty.Failure to use a cert ified electrician orElectrolux authorised service agent orgenuine parts for installation orservice voids the warranty.1. Electrolux / AEG warrants theequipment against defectivematerial or faulty manufacture,provided it is used for domesticpurposes only, for a period of 36(thirty six) months, from the date ofpurchase by the original retailpurchaser. This warranty only appliesto Electrolux and AEG largeappliances.2. a) In the first 6 (six) months fromdate of purchase, for validwarranty claims, collection,return and installation (Built-inand gas appliances) of theappliance will be free of chargewithin South Africa if installed byan authorized Electrolux serviceagent.b) For the remainder of thewarranty period where therepaired appliance is used orinstalled more than 50kilometres from the nearestElectrolux service agent orelsewhere in South Africa, travelcosts to the place of use orinstallation shall be for theaccount of the purchaser.3. This warranty is given on conditionthat only labour, parts andaccessories supplied by authorisedagents are at all times used inconnection with the appliance,including the installation thereof,and that an authorised Electroluxservice agent installs and/or servicesthe appliance.4. Electrolux shall not be responsiblefor damage of any kind resultingfrom electricity fluctuations, faults inthe building wiring, faultyinstallations, and improper use ofcontrols or failure to use theappliance in accordance with theoperating instructions and/orgeneral misuse and/or abuse, or ifnot used for domestic purposesonly, or for damage caused by asuperior force (vis maior). Any repairor tampering by an unauthorisedperson or attempt to repair ortamper with the equipment, or useof parts not supplied by authorisedagents, or alterations or modificationto the equipment, shall render thewarranty null and void.5. After the first 6 (six) months from thedate of purchase, this warranty doesnot apply to light bulbs, loose glass,glass oven doors and enamelledsurfaces, filters and other partssubject to wear and tear ordiscolouring, as well as damagecaused by abrasive and highlyconcentrated cleaners and/orcleaning materials or cleanersprohibited by the user manual.6. Electrolux shall not be responsible interms of this warranty for thereplacement or repair of any part ofthe equipment which may have beendamaged in transit if delivery isundertaken by any party other thanElectrolux or an authorised agent.7. All gas appliances are to be installedby a gas installer, registered withSAQCC GAS. Electrical appliancesare to be installed by a qualifiedelectrician who is an authorisedservice agent or assisted by anauthorised service agent from whoproof of installation will be required.8. Repairs carried out under warrantyhave a guarantee period of 3 (three)months on the parts and laboursupplied to repair the unit and doesnot extend the warranty nor does itstart a new warranty. Parts removedduring guarantee repairs becomethe property of Electrolux.9. After expiry of 6 (six) months fromthe date of purchase the warrantyshall be available only to the original