5ENGLISHafter terminating cooking.The control switches are located on thehood’s front panel: A OFF – ON push buttonPress once or more to obtain thefunction desired:ON: the hood switches on to the lastspeed selected.OFF: all the functions are switched offexcept the illumination.B Speed selection push button (extractionpower).Press this push button once or moreto select the most suitable extractionspeed (power) (1-2-3).C The display shows the extraction powerselected, signalling the saturation of thefilters F.D Intensive speed on/off. The Intensivespeed runs for 5 minutes:If the hood is on when the Intensivespeed is activated, the hood reverts toprevious speed after 5 minutes.If the hood is off when the Intensivespeed is activated, the hood will beturned off after 5 minutes.To interrupt the Intensive speed, pressbutton A or B .E Light ON/OFFShould the hood or the controls fail tooperate: disconnect the power supply for atleast 5 seconds, then turn the hood backon again.Grease and charcoal filter maintenanceindicatorThis hood is fitted with a device thatindicates when it is necessary to clean thegrease filter or the charcoal filter (if thehood is used in the recirculation versionwith a charcoal filter).On delivery, the hood is not supplied witha charcoal filter, so the saturation indicatorwill be disabled.If the hood is to be used with a charcoalfilter, the saturationindicator light must be enabled as follows:Set the hood in “OFF”.Pressing keys B and D simultaneouslyfor three seconds, LED F lights up andbegins to flash the 1st speed led. After 1second the 2nd speed led also flashes andthe system emits a sound signal (-Beep-) toindicate setting taking place.To remove the charcoal filter signal presspush buttons B and D simultaneously for3 seconds. LED F lights up and begins toflash the 1st speed led (grease filter) andthe 2nd speed led. After 1 second, onlythe 1st speed led continues to flash. Thesystem emits a sound signal (-Beep-) toindicate setting taking place.Grease filter LEDThe 1st speed led (+ led F) flashes, when itis time to clean the grease filter.Always comply with the maintenanceinstructions for the grease filter.Charcoal filter LEDThe 2nd speed led (+ led F) flashes,when the charcoal filter needs to becleaned or replaced.Resetting the saturation indicatorAfter cleaning or replacing the filters, pressbutton A for 3 seconds until the 1st speedled or the second speed led stops flashing.The F LED also turns off.6. LIGHTINGDisconnect the hood from the electricity.Warning! Prior to touching the light bulbsensure they are cooled down.Replace witha new 12 Volt, 20 Watt (Maximum) halogenlight made for a G-4 base SUITABLE FORUSE IN OPEN LUMINAIRES. Followpackage directions and do not touch newlight with bare hands.