25Securing your computerSecurity features include hardware and software locks — a security notch and atwo-level password scheme.Security notchA security notch located on the rear panel of the computer lets you connect aKensington-compatible key-based computer security lock.Wrap a computer security lock cable around an immovable object such as a tableor locked drawer handle. Insert the lock into the notch and turn the key to securethe lock.PasswordsA two-level password scheme protects your computer from unauthorized access.When set, no one can access the computer without entering the correct password.There are two types of passwords you can set:• Supervisor Password secures your computer against unauthorized entry toand use of the BIOS Utility.• User Password secures your computer against unauthorized use.See “BIOS Utility” on page 79 for details.Important: Do not forget your password! If you forget your password, youneed to contact your dealer.