Troubleshooting 4-17Post Codes 0The following are the InsydeH2O™ Functionality POST code tables. The components of thePOST code table includes: SEC phase, PEI phase, DXE phase, BDS phase, CSM functions,S3 functions and ACPI functions.Table 4-1. POST Code RangePhase POST Code RangeSEC 0x01 - 0x0FPEI 0x70 - 0x9FDXE 0x40 - 0x6FBDS 0x10 - 0x3FSMM 0xA0 - 0xBFS3 0xC0 - 0xCFASL 0x51 – 0x550xE1 – 0xE4PostBDS 0xF9 – 0xFEInsydeH2ODDT™ Reserve 0xD0 – 0xD7OEM Reserve 0xE8 – 0xEBReserved 0xD8 – 0xE00xE5 – 0xE70xEC – 0xF8Table 4-2. SEC Phase POST Code TableFunctionality Name(Include\PostCode.h) Phase PostCode DescriptionSEC_SYSTEM_POWER_ON SEC 01 CPU power on and switch toProtected modeSEC_BEFORE_MICROCODE_PATCH SEC 02 Patching CPU microcodeSEC_AFTER_MICROCODE_PATCH SEC 03 Setup Cache as RAMSEC_ACCESS_CSR* SEC 04 PCIE MMIO Base AddressinitialSEC_GENERIC_MSRINIT* SEC 05 CPU Generic MSRinitializationSEC_CPU_SPEEDCFG* SEC 06 Setup CPU speedSEC_SETUP_CAR_OK SEC 07 Cache as RAM testSEC_FORCE_MAX_RATIO* SEC 08 Tune CPU frequency ratio tomaximum level