12High & Low RecordsThe “MIN/MAX” button displays minimum and maximum recordings foroutdoor and indoor temperature and humidity. To view the MINIMUMtemperature and humidity readings, press and release the “MIN/MAX” buttonuntil the “MIN” icon appears on the display next to the low records. To viewthe MAXIMUM temperature and humidity readings, press and release the“MIN/MAX” button until the “MAX” icon appears on the display next to thehigh records.To reset the MINIMUM records, first view the MIN records by pressing the“MIN/MAX” button until the “MIN” icon appears on the display. Whileviewing the MIN records, press and hold the “UP” and “SCALE” buttonssimultaneously for 3 seconds. Dashes will display to confirm all MIN valueshave been cleared.To reset the MAXIMUM records, first view the MAX records by pressing the“MIN/MAX” button until the “MAX” icon appears on the display. Whileviewing the MAX records, press and hold the “UP” and “SCALE” buttonssimultaneously for 3 seconds. Dashes will display to confirm all MAX valueshave been cleared.Weather Ticker ™The Weather Ticker automatically streams your real-time weather informationand alerts as scrolling text in the lower part of the display unit screen. You canmanually cycle through all the available messages by pressing “ ”.Default WEATHER TICKER messages are pre-loaded as follows:Additional messages will appear when applicable (these cannot be manuallyadded to the Weather Ticker list):NEW HIGH TEMPERATURE RECORDNEW LOW TEMPERATURE RECORDNEW WIND SPEED RECORD TODAYHIGHEST WIND SPEED (all-time record)AvERAGE WIND SPEED THIS WEEkTEMPERATURE TREND (falling, steady or rising)SENSOR BATTERIES LOWSENSOR SIGNAL LOSTFORECAST 12 to 24 hour future weather forecastMOON PHASE Current moon phaseINDOOR COMFORT Dry, OK or humid comfort levelIT FEELS LIkE __ OUTSIDE Calculates what temperature it feels like outdoors(based on temperature, humidity and wind speed)OUTDOOR TEMP THIS WEEk HIGH Highest temperature recorded this calendar weekOUTDOOR TEMP THIS WEEk LOW Lowest temperature recorded this calendar weekOUTDOOR TEMP THISMONTH HIGHHighest temperature recorded this calendar monthOUTDOOR TEMP THISMONTH LOWLowest temperature recorded this calendar month