Appendix D: Using the Array Configuration Utility for DOS ● 94About Record ModeNote: You can also create a script file manually (see the following section).In Record Mode, the ACU writes a RAID controller’s existing array configuration to a specifiedscript file, which lets you create the same configuration by running the ACU in Playback Mode(/P switch) with the resulting script.You can only record one RAID controller at a time with Record Mode. Record multiple RAIDcontrollers separately using separate script files.The syntax is ACU /R <file> where file is the name of the script file. The file parameter caninclude a drive, directory, filename, and extension, but only the filename and extension arerequired. If no drive or directory is specified, the file is placed in the same location as the ACUexecutable.The ACU supports only a subset of available array types. If it encounters an array it can’tcreate, a warning displays (or is recorded in the log file, if the /L switch is used); no keywordsfor that array are recorded in its script file.When recording an array, the ACU always uses the default Wait setting (equivalent toWait=Yes) unless you edit the script file and include Wait=No in the array’s definition block.For more information, see Wait Keyword on page 98.Creating the Script File ManuallyScript files contain blocks:● Array definition block keywords (see page 95)● Optional—ACU error codes (see page 98)The syntax rules are:● Each keyword must start its own line.● Syntax is not case sensitive.Entering Comments in the Script FileTo enter a comment in the script file, start with a pound character (#). You can start anywhereon a line. For a sample script that includes comments, see Sample Scripts on page 99.