5Installing DriversInstalling DriversUSB 2.0 driver software with hub support must be installed onyour computer for the XHub for Notebooks to operate at USB 2.0speeds. If you are using an Adaptec USB 2.0 controller, install theUSB 2.0 drivers provided on the XHub for Notebooks CD.Note: The drivers provided on the XHub for Notebooks CDwill not work with non-Adaptec USB 2.0 controllers. Refer toyour controller’s manufacturer for driver information.Follow the instructions for your Operating System (OS) to installthe USB 2.0 drivers:■ For Windows 2000, Windows Me, or Windows 98SE, see below.■ For Windows XP, see page 6.■ For Macintosh, see page 7.Note: Adaptec strongly recommends that you always use themost recent drivers to maximize your XHub’s performance.Regularly check the Adaptec website at www.adaptec.com forthe most up-to-date USB 2.0 drivers.Windows 2000/Me/98SETurn on your computer and connect your AUH-4100 (see Pluggingin Your XHub on page 4 for instructions). Insert the XHub forNotebooks CD into your CD-ROM drive. Windows loads thedriver automatically.Double-checking Driver InstallationTo ensure that the driver has installed properly:1 On your desktop, double-click My Computer.2 Double-click Control Panel.3 Double-click System. The System Properties window opens.4 Open Device Manager.Adaptec USB 2.0 Hub should appear under Universal Serial Buscontrollers.