7Installing the DriverInstalling the DriverYou can find installation instructions for the driver appropriate foryour operating system in one of these sections: For Windows XP, see the next section (Windows XP). For Windows 2000, see page 11. For Windows Me, see page 14. For Windows 98SE, see page 16.Note: The USB2Xchange drivers will overwrite USBXchangedrivers. You can continue to use USBXchange with the newUSB2Xchange drivers.Windows XPWhen you connect the USB2Xchange adapter to your computer,Windows XP automatically detects it. The first time you connectthe adapter, you are prompted to install the driver from theUSB2Xchange CD.To install the Windows XP driver:1 Ensure that Windows XP is running.2 Plug the USB2Xchange adapter into the USB port on yourcomputer. Make sure the adapter is connected to a powered-upSCSI device.The Found New Hardware Wizard opens.