31 ARK-3400 User ManualChapter 3 BIOS settingsThis item allows the video BIOS to be cached to allow faster execution and bet-ter performance. Memory Hole At 15 M-16 M [Disabled]This item reserves 15MB-16MB memory address space to ISA expansion cardsthat specifically require the setting. Memory from 15MB-16MB will be unavail-able to the system because only the expansion cards can access memory inthis area. PCI Express Root port Func [Press Enter]This item allows the user to adjust PCIE port on, off, or auto. PEG/Onboard VGA Control [Auto]This item allows the user to select whether onboard graphics processor or thePCI card. On-Chip Frame Buffer Size [8 MB]This item allows the user to adjust on-chip graphics of memory buffer. DVMT Mode [DVMT]Intel's Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) takes that concept furtherby allowing the system to dynamically allocate memory resources according tothe demands of the system at any point in time. The key idea in DVMT is toimprove the efficiency of the memory allocated to either system or graphics pro-cessor.The BIOS feature that controls all this is the DVMT Mode BIOS feature. Itallows you to select the DVMT operating mode.Fixed The graphics driver will reserve a fixed portion of the systemmemory as graphics memory. This ensures that the graphicsprocessor has a guaranteed amount of graphics memory but thedownside is once allocated, this memory cannot be used by theoperating system even when it is not in use.DVMT The graphics chip will dynamically allocate system memory asgraphics memory, according to system and graphics requirements. The system memory is allocated as graphics memorywhen graphics-intensive applications are running but when theneed for graphics memory drops, the allocated graphics memorycan be released to the operating system for other uses.BOTH The graphics driver will allocate a fixed amount of memory asdedicated graphics memory, as well as allow more systemmemory to be dynamically allocated between the graphicsprocessor and the operating system. DVMT/FIXED Memory Size [128 MB]This item allows the user to adjust DVMT/FIXED graphics memory size. Panel Type [1024 x 768 LVDS]These fields allow you to select the LCD Panel type. The default values forthese ports are:– 640 x 480 LVDS– 800 x 600 LVDS– 1024 x 768 LVDS– 1280 x 1024 LVDS– 1400 x 1050 RB LVDS(LFP1)– 1400 x 1050 Non-RB (LFP1)