32 PCM-5823 User's Manual3.1 IntroductionThe PCM-5823 system BIOS and custom drivers are located in a 256KB, 32-pin Flash ROM device, designated U10. A single Flash chipholds the system BIOS and VGA BIOS. The display type can beconfigured via software. This method minimizes the number of chipsand eases configuration. You can change the display BIOS simply byreprogramming the Flash chip.3.2 Utility CD diskThe PCM-5823 is supplied with a software utility on CD-ROM. Thisdisk contains the necessary file for setting up the VGA display.Directories and files on the disk are as follows:Figure 3-1: Contents of the PCM-5823 Series utility diskAWDFLASH.EXEThis program allows you to update the BIOS Flash ROM.5823V110.BINThis binary file contains the system BIOS.CBROM.EXEThis program allows you to combine your own VGA BIOS withsystem BIOS (5823V110.BIN).RSET8139.EXEThis program enables you to view the current Ethernet configuration,reconfigure the Ethernet interface (medium type, etc.), and executeuseful diagnostic functions.AWDFLASH.EXECBROM.EXERSET8139.EXE5823Vxxx.BINArtisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com