User’s Manual3.6.2 Other Paper SelectionCarrier Sheet Mode:Check this option to automatically crop the scan windowaccording to your document size when scanning non-standarddocument (fragile, irregular-size document) with a carrier sheet(optional). Note: The availability of this option varies due toscanner model.Loading Documents Using a Carrier SheetA Carrier Sheet is a plastic sheet specifically used for loadingnon-standard document onto the scanner. It allows you to scandocument that can not be scanned in the regular way. Also,documents larger than A4 size, such as A3 and B4, can bescanned by folding in half, inserting into the Carrier Sheet, andscanning in duplex mode. You can also scan documents that canbe damaged quite easily such as photographs, or irregular sizedocuments that are difficult to load directly such as clippings.To scan document using a Carrier Sheet,For documents larger than A4/Letter size, such as A3a. Fold the sheet to be scanned in half.b. Fold the sheet tightly and smooth out crease. Otherwise, thesheet may be skewed during scanning.1. Open the Carrier Sheet and place the documentinside.Align the top of the document to the top of the CarrierSheet (the printed area).3-45