User’s ManualYou can find various sizes of patch codes (PDF) by choosing[Start] menu>[All Programs]>[Avision ScannerSeries]>[Patch code] in succession.Simply print the PDF file to produce the patch code sheet. Insertthe patch code sheets to wherever you want the file to separate.Patch codesheetNotes to print the patch codes: Use blank white paper. Set the scaling to 100%. The sheet is not recognizedcorrectly when printed in a size smaller than the original. Do not use toner saving mode. The sheet is not recognizedcorrectly when the print is too light. Do not use thin paper in order to avoid bleed-through fromthe back. When you copy a patch code sheet that you printed out,make sure to copy by the same size and brightness as theoriginal copy. Use the same sheet repeatedly may decrease therecognition accuracy due to accumulated dirt on the sheets.If the sheet is not recognized correctly or gets smudged,replace it with a new sheet.3-73