User’s Manual3 Scan ToAppSelect thisbutton when youwant to scan adocument andsend the imageto yourdesignatedapplication(default: MSPaint)Auto Color Detection,200 dpi, Simplex,JPEG, Auto Crop4 E-mail Select thisbutton when youwant to scan adocument andsend the imagefrom yourdefault e-mailsoftware to ane-mail recipientas anattachment.Auto Color Detection,200 dpi, Simplex,JPEG, Auto Crop5 Printer Select thisbutton when youwant to scan adocument andprint it fromyour defaultprinterAuto Color Detection,200 dpi, Simplex,JPEG, Auto Crop6 SharedFolderSelect thisbutton when youwant to scan adocument andsave the imageto a sharedfolder in thenetwork.Auto Color Detection,200 dpi, Simplex,JPEG, Auto Crop6-5