User’s Manual99Cache Mode: None, Page Number, MemorySize.This option allows you to assign a specifiedmemory size from the available RAM toprocess the image data. By specifying asmaller memory size, you can free morememory for other applications you arerunning. By specifying a larger memorysize, you can have more memory toprocess the image data especially when youhave a large amount of documents neededto be scanned.You can also specify your memory size bythe page number. For your information, anA4 color document scanning at 300 dpiconsumes approximates 24MB.Image CountWhen the selected cache mode is “none”,the image count option allows you to assignnumber of pages you need to scan. Forexample, if you wish to scan the first twopages, simply move the page slider to 2,and the scan action will be stopped whenthe scanning of the first two pages havebeen completed.