User’s Manual634.6.1 CroppingCropping allows you to capture a portion of the documentbeing scanned. Choice: Automatic, Automatic (36”),Fixed to Transport, EOP (End of Page) Detection,Automatic Multiple, Relative to Documents.Options DescriptionAutomatic Automatic adjusts the cropping windowaccording to different document sizes andautomatically straighten a skeweddocument. Use this option for batches ofmixed-sized documents.Automatic(36”)Automatically adjusts the cropping windowaccording to different document sizessmaller than 36” and automaticallystraighten a skewed image. Use this optionfor batches of mixed-sized document.Note: The availability of this featurevaries due to scanner model.Fixed toTransportThis feature allows you to define the areaor zone to be imaged. Use for batches ofsame-sized documents. If you select thisoption, you can use the arrow keys todefine the x and y offset values, width andlength to redefine your scanned area. TheDisplay window will show image placementas you change the values.EOP (End ofPage)DetectionThis feature allows you to define the areaor zone to be imaged. Use for batches ofsame-width but different lengthdocuments. If you select this option, youcan use the arrow keys to define the x andy offset values, width and length toredefine your scanned area. The Displaywindow will show image placement as youchange the values.