Page 10 AXIS 225FD Installation GuideOther available methodsThis table shows alternative methods for setting or discovering the IP address.Notes:• UPnP™, DHCP and Bonjour are enabled by default in the AXIS 225FD.• The AXIS 225FD has the default IP address• To view the admin pages for the DHCP server, please see the server’s own documentation.You may need to contact your network administrator.• If setting the IP address fails, check that there is no firewall blocking the operation.• AXIS Dynamic DNS Service requires an Internet connection without an HTTP proxy.• Bonjour - applicable only in browsers with support for Bonjour, e.g. Safari.DHCP Serverin networkOperating system Recommendedmethod for:UPnP™See page 11Optional Windows (ME or XP)BonjourSee page 11Optional Mac OSX (10.4 orlater)MacintoshAXIS Dynamic DNS ServiceSee page 11AllARP/PingSee page 12AllView DHCP serveradmin pages for IP address(See note below)Required AllRequirementsInstallation methods