AXIS F41 Main UnitEvents• Send SNMP Trap – Send an SNMP trap message to the operator. Make sure that SNMP is enabled and configuredunder System Options > Network > SNMP.• Send Video Clip – Send a video clip to a recipient.• Status LED – Flash the LED indicator. This can for example be used to validate triggers such as motion detection duringproduct installation and configuration.• WDR Mode – The WDR Mode can be turned on or off when the action rule is triggered.Add RecipientsThe product can send media files and messages to notify users about events. Before the product can send media files or notificationmessages, you must define one ore more recipients. For information about available options, see Recipient Types on page 40.To add a recipient:1. Go to Events > Recipients and click Add.2. Enter a descriptive name.3. Select a recipient Type.4. Enter the information needed for the recipient type.5. Click Test to test the connection to the recipient.6. Click OK.Recipient TypesThe following recipients are available:Recipient Use with action NotesEmail Send ImagesSend NotificationSend Video ClipAn email recipient can contain multiple email addresses.FTP Send ImagesSend Video ClipSFTP Send ImagesSend Video ClipEncrypted file transfer using SSH File Transport Protocol(SFTP). SFTP is a more secure method than FTP but filetransfer might be slower, especially for large files such as highresolution video.Specify login information for the SFTP server and the server’spublic key MD5 fingerprint (32 hexadecimal digits).The SFTP recipient supports SFTP servers using SSH-2 withRSA and DSA host key types. RSA is the preferred method. Touse DSA, disable the RSA key on the SFTP server.HTTP Send ImagesSend NotificationSend Video Clip40