34AXIS P5532/AXIS P5534 - System OptionsUse the following IP address - To use a static IP address for AXIS P5532/AXIS P5534, check the radio button and then makethe following settings:• IP address – Specify a unique IP address for your AXIS P5532/AXIS P5534. (To check if the IP address you intend to useis available or not, click the Test button)• Subnet mask – Specify the mask for the subnet AXIS P5532/AXIS P5534 is located on• Default router – Specify the IP address of the default router (gateway) used for connecting devices attached to differ-ent networks and network segments.IPv6 Address ConfigurationCheck the Enable IPv6 box option to enable IPv6. Other settings for IPv6 are configured in the network router.ServicesEnable ARP/Ping setting of IP address – The IP address can be set using the ARP/Ping method, which associates the unit'sMAC address with an IP address. Check this box to enable the service. Leave disabled to prevent unintentional resetting of theIP address.Notes:• The ARP/Ping service is automatically disabled two minutes after the unit is started, or as soon as an IP address is set.In order to reset the IP address, the camera must be restarted to activate ARP/Ping for an additional two minutes.• Pinging the unit is still possible when this service is disabled.AXIS Video Hosting System (AVHS)AVHS used in conjunction with an AVHS service provides easy and secure Internet access to live and recorded video accessiblefrom any location. For more information and help to find a local AVHS Service Provider go to www.axis.com/products/avhsEnable AVHS - Enabled by default, if AVHS is not to be used this option can be disabled.One-click enabled - Press the camera’s control button (see Hardware overview, on page 5) to connect to an AVHS serviceover the Internet. Once registered, Always is enabled and the cameras stays connected to the AVHS service. If the camera isnot registered within 24 hours from when the button is pressed, the camera will disconnect from the AVHS service.Always - The camera will constantly attempt to connect to the AVHS service over the Internet. Once registered, the camerawill stay connected to the service. This option can be used when the camera is already installed and it is not convenient to usethe one-click installation.AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS ServiceEnable this option to use AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS service to assign a host name for easy access to your network camera(requires access to the Internet).Click Settings to register the camera with AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS service, or to modify the existing settings. The domainname currently registered at AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS service for your product can at any time be removed.For more information, please refer to www.axiscam.net and to the online help.