228.3.11 Access Setpoint: ‘AcSP’This function activates a separate menu thatprovides direct access to the alarm setpointswhen the instrument is in the display mode. Seesection 8.3.12 for a full description. An operatormay therefore adjust the alarm setpoints withouthaving access to the programme and alarmmenus. Further protection is provided by aseparate security code.This direct access menu may be enabled and aseparate security code entered from the 'AcSP'function in the main programme menu as shownin Fig 10. To change the menu parameters select'AcSP' from the programme menu and press P.This will display the enable prompt 'EnbL'.Press P again to reveal if the direct access menuis 'On' or 'OFF'. The Up or Down buttons willtoggle the display between the two conditions.If 'OFF' is selected, the operator will not haveaccess to the setpoints from the display mode.Return to the 'AcSP' prompt in the main menu bypressing E twice.If 'On' is selected, the operator will have directaccess to the alarm setpoints from the displaymode via a separate optional security code. Todefine this four digit numeric code press E toreturn to the 'EnbL' prompt followed by the Up orDown button to select the access code prompt'AcCd'. Pressing P will then reveal the currentsecurity code. The flashing digit of the code maybe changed by operating the Up or Down push-buttons and pressing the P button will transfercontrol to the next digit. When the required codehas been entered, press E twice to return to the'AcSP' prompt in the programme menu.Entering code 0000 will disable the security codeallowing direct access to the setpoints in thedisplay mode by pressing the P and Up buttonssimultaneously.New instruments with alarms are supplied with thesecurity code set to 00008.3.12 Adjusting alarm setpoints from thedisplay modeAccess to the two alarm setpoints from theinstrument display mode is obtained by operatingthe P and Up push-buttons simultaneously asshown in Fig 11. If the setpoints are not protectedby a security code the alarm setpoint prompt'SPr1' or 'SPt1' will be displayed depending uponwhether a rate or total alarm has beenprogrammed. If the setpoints are protected by asecurity code, 'COde' will be displayed first.Pressing P again will enable the alarm securitycode to be entered digit by digit using the Up andDown buttons to change the flashing digit and theP push-button to move control to the next digit. Ifthe correct code is entered pressing E will thencause alarm setpoint prompt 'SPx1' to bedisplayed. If an incorrect security code is entered,or a button is not pressed within ten seconds, theinstrument will automatically return to the displaymode.Once within the menu pressing the Up or Downbuttons will toggle the display between the twoalarm setpoint prompts 'SPx1' and 'SPx2'.Fig 11 Setpoint adjustment from the display modeTo adjust an alarm setpoint select 'SPx1' or 'SPx2'and press P which will reveal the current setting.Each digit of the setpoint may be adjusted usingthe Up and Down push-buttons, and the P buttonto move control to the next digit. When therequired setpoint has been entered, pressing Ewill return the display to the 'SPx1' or 'SPx2'prompt from which the other setpoint may beselected, or the indicator may be returned to thedisplay mode by pressing E again.Note: Direct access to the alarm setpoints is onlyavailable when the menu is enabled - see section8.3.11