7. MAINTENANCE7.1 Fault finding during commissioningIf a BA684D fails to function during commissioningthe following procedure should be followed:Symptom Cause Check:No Display No PowerIncorrect wiringEarth faultThat there is 20to 36 voltsbetweenterminals 1 and 2of the six wayterminal block.Terminal 1should bepositive.That commssignal & extrnalswitches arefloating.NoCommunicationCommunicationsparametersincorrectly setInput port, baudrate, data bits,stop bits andparity settingsmatch those ofthe host.IncorrectProtocolProtocol settingsin “Comms”MenuIncorrect wiring Wiring is asinstallationdiagram.Address incorrect Address settingin “Comms”menuPoorCommunicationCommunicationcable too long.Communicationspeed too fast.Configurationsettings.InstallationguidlinesDark Display Contrast too high Contrast level in“Display Settings”menuNo Backlight Brilliance settingtoo lowBrightness levelin “DisplaySettings” menuCannot enterconfigurationmenuKeys not held forlong enough (upto 2 secondsrequired)Menu inhibitedSend“ConfigurationEnable”command(BEKA protocol)Restart unit(Legacy protocol)7.2 Fault finding after commissioningENSURE PLANT SAFETY BEFORESTARTING MAINTENANCEIf a BA684D fails after it has been functioningcorrectly, the table shown in section 7.1 may helpto identify the cause of the failure.If this procedure does not reveal the cause of thefault, it is recommended that the instrument isreplaced.7.3 ServicingWe recommend that faulty BA684D serial textdisplays are returned to BEKA associates or to ourlocal agent for repair.7.4 Routine maintenanceThe mechanical and electrical condition of theinstrument should be regularly checked. Initiallyannual inspections are recommended, althoughthe inspection frequency should be adjusted to suitthe environmental conditions.7.5 GuaranteeInstruments which fail within the guarantee periodshould be returned to BEKA associates or our localagent. It is helpful if a brief description of the faultsymptoms is provided.7.6 Customer commentsBEKA associates is always pleased to receivecomments from customers about our products andservices. All communications are acknowledgedand whenever possible, suggestions areimplemented.1