8. ACCESSORIES8.1 Tag numberThe BA684D can be supplied with a blank orcustom engraved stainless steel plate secured bytwo screws to the side of the instrument enclosure.This plate can accommodate:1 row of 9 alphanumeric characters 10mm highor 1 row of 11 alphanumeric characters 7mm highor 2 rows of 18 alphanumeric characters 5mmhigh8.2 Pipe mounting kitsTwo pipe mounting kits are available for securingthe BA684D to a horizontal or vertical pipe.BA392D Stainless steel bracket secured by twoworm drive hose clips for 60 to 80mmoutside diameter pipes.BA393 Heavy duty stainless steel bracketsecured by a single 'V' bolt. Will clampto any pipe with an outside diameterbetween 40 and 80mm.8.3 Serial Text Display - ProgrammingGuideA detailed guide to programming the BA684Dserial text display using BEKA protocol may berequested from the BEKA sales office ordownloaded from the BEKA website atwww.beka.co.uk.8.4 Serial Text Display – Modbus GuideThis guide explains how to use the BA684D serialtext display as a slave in Modbus RTU systems. Itmay be requested from the BEKA sales office ordownloaded from the BEKA website atwww.beka.co.uk.1