7-7Random Access Adjustment Mode5976135 BARCOREALITY SIM6 21032000Select with or then to return.r%22 222c1 Push the cursor key or to select the desired character.2 Change that character by pushing the cursor key or . Numeric characters can be entered directly with numeric keys onthe RCU.3 Press ENTER to confirm. The renamed file is entered in the list of files.4 Press EXIT to return to the Rename menu selection. No changes are made.Copy a file2
To copy a selected file into a new file :1 Push the cursor key or to highlight 'Copy' (menu 1).2 Press ENTER.The Copy selection menu will be displayed (menu 2).3 Push the cursor key or to select a file name (menu 3).4 Press ENTER to select.The Copy menu will be displayed with the selected file name already filled in, in the 'From file name :' area and in the 'To file name:'area.The first character in the 'To file name :' is highlighted.COPY FILEFilename Src Resolution-----------------------------------------------------Video525.s01 1 675x240iVideo525.c01 1 675x240iVideo525.c02 1 675x240i-----------------------------------------------------Active file : Video525.c50Select with or to accept to return.FILE SERVICELOADEDITRENAMECOPYDELETEr%22 222c1 Push the cursor key or to select the desired character (menu 4).2 Change that character by pushing the cursor key or . Numeric characters can be entered directly with numeric keys onthe RCU.3 Press ENTER to confirm. The renamed file is entered in the list of files.4 Press EXIT to return to the Copy menu selection. No changes are made.COPY FILEFrome file name :xga_60.s03To file name :xga_60.c14Select with or Reprogram with or or numeric keys to confirm to returnRENAME FILEFrome file name :Video525.s01To file name :demo.c10Select with or Reprogram with or or numeric keys to confirm to returnmenu 1menu 1 menu 2 menu 3COPY FILEFrome file name :xga_60.s03To file name :xga_60.c14Select with or Reprogram with or or numeric keys to confirm to returnmenu 4