PDSync-C4 Page 21 of 42When you have some software updates available, you can select install now to begin the installationprocess; a progress bar will appear to show the installation status. From this bar, you can also viewthe release notes for the version of the software you are looking at.5.4.4 Removing SoftwareIf you wish to uninstall the software (Cambrionix Connect, Cambrionix API and the CambrionixRecorder Service) from your host system, the following steps can do this.Windows™To remove the software from a Windows™ system, you can do so by going into "Add or removeprograms" finding the software you wish to remove, selecting it and pressing "uninstall"macOS®To remove the software from a macOS® system, locate the application in the Finder, drag theapplication to the Trash, or select the application and choose File > Move to Trash. You may be askedto enter the name and password of an administrator account on your Mac®. Then to completelydelete the application, choose Finder > Empty Trash.Alternatively, use the below instructions.sudo /Library/Cambrionix/ApiService/bin/CambrionixApiService --removesudo /Library/Cambrionix/ApiService/bin/CambrionixRecorderService --removeLinux®To remove software on Linux® there are two options.The first is to use the Software centre, then either the list of installed applications or the search bar tofind the software you wish to remove. Once you have selected the application, click on the removebutton and you will be prompted for a password, enter the password and the software will beremoved.The second way you can remove software is by using the command line. All you need to do is to usethe command in the following fashion:sudo apt remove program_nameVariable Descriptionprogram_name The file name of the program including any version numbersYou’ll be asked to enter your account password. When you enter it, nothing is visible on the screen.You will need to confirm removal, it will ask for your confirmation, press the enter key or Y key: Keepin mind that you’ll have to use the exact package name in the apt remove command otherwise, it willshow ‘unable to locate package error‘. You can type the first few letters of the program you want to