CyberSWITCH 100 Advanced User Information viiPrefaceWelcome to the Cabletron Systems CyberSWITCH 100 Family Advanced User InformationGuide. This guide provides hardware specifications for the CyberSWITCH 100 family of productsthat includes the CSX101, CSX103, CSX104, and CSX105. This guide also provides backgroundinformation about the INtegrated Services Digitak Network (ISDN) including a step-by-step guidefor ordering ISDN from your service provider, and bridging and routing information.ISDN OverviewISDN provides an inexpensive switched digital access to remote sites. The ISDN BRI standardprovides for two high speed 64 K bits per seconds (Kbps) bearer channels used for voice or dataconnections and one 16 Kbps signaling data (D) channel used for call setup, signaling and otherinformation. ISDN allows all types of information to be transmitted including voice, data, fax andvideo. Multiple devices can be linked to a single ISDN connection, each having its own telephonenumber. Two or more channels can be combined into a single larger transmission pipe offeringvariable transmission speeds.How to Use This GuideBelow is a list of the chapters comprising this guide, with brief explanations of their content:Chapter 1, ISDN Line Ordering and Configuration, provides the information you need to orderISDN service from the telephone company.Chapter 2, About the CyberSWITCH 100 Router, describes the CSX100 family hardwarecomponents and software protocols and features.Chapter 3, Planning Your Router’s Configuration, describes the router configuration process.Chapter 4, CyberSWITCH 100 Hardware Features, describes the front and rear panels of theCyberSWITCH 100.Chapter 5, Troubleshooting, provides detailed troubleshooting help.Appendix A, Hardware Specifications, provides the hardware specifications for the CSX100.Apppendix B, Glossary, defines commonly used terms, and is located at the back of this guide.