Local Management Screen ElementsESXMIM/ESXMIM-F2 Local Management GuidePage 1-7The following list explains each of the Local Management fields:Event Message FieldThis field briefly displays messages that indicate if a Local Managementprocedure was executed correctly or incorrectly, that changes were savedor not saved to Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM), or thata user did not have access privileges to an application.Table 1-1 describes the most common event messages. Event messagesrelated to specific Local Management applications are described withthose applications throughout this manual.Display FieldsDisplay fields cannot be edited. These fields may display information thatnever changes, or information that may change as a result of LocalManagement operations, user selections, or network monitoringinformation.Input FieldsInput Fields require the entry of keyboard characters. IP addresses,System Date, and System Time are examples of Input fields.Selection FieldsSelection fields provide a series of possible values. Only applicable valuesappear in a selection field.Table 1-1 Event MessagesMessage What it MeansSAVED OK One or more fields were modified,and saved to NVRAM.NOT SAVED?--PRESS SAVE TOKEEP CHANGESAttempting to exit the LM screenafter one or more fields weremodified, but not saved to NVRAM.NOTHING TO SAVE The SAVE command was executed,but nothing was saved to NVRAM.