157Local Management: Overview, Setup, and NavigationIn this example, the AppleTalk traffic is routed only to AppleTalk users (Ports 1, 2,5, and 6), while IP traffic is allowed to be seen by IP users (Ports 3, 4, and 7) and byIP/AppleTalk users (Ports 1, 2, 5, and 6).lg_frame_admin:Description: Enables the changing of large frame support on a per port basis.This enables the user to determine if large frames can be forwardedout a particular port.Syntax: lg_frame_admin [ set ] [ LARGE | FRAG_IF_POSS | SMALL |AUTO ] [ PORT | ALL_BPLANE | ALL_FDDI ]lg_frame_admin [ status ] [ port #]Options: set – Sets the size of transmitted frames for a port or a group ofports.status – Causes the display of the current settings for one port or agroup of ports (e.g., 1– 15).LARGE – Sets the port to allow all valid large frames to betransmitted out the port.FRAG_IF_POSS – This is a special setting. Sets the port, so that alllarge IP frames that can be fragmented will be fragmented beforebeing transmitted out the port. If the large frame cannot befragmented, then it will be transmitted out the port as a largeframe.SMALL – Sets the port so that frames will be transmitted as eitherfragmented (if possible), or dropped if they cannot be fragmented.AUTO – Same as SMALL.PORT – Enables the mib II port number to change the settings.ALL_BPLANE – Causes all the backplane ports to have the samesetting.ALL_FDDI – Causes all FDDI HSIMs to have the same setting.NOTE:Only backplane and FDDI HSIMs can be configured beyond the defaultsettings.