Index-2Micro-CS Installation GuideInstallation D-1Installation Procedure D-3Internet addresssetting 3-5IP encapsulationsetting 3-5Jjumper positions D-2Llat -d command 3-16lat_key command 3-16Load Number iiiload/dump gatewaysetting 3-5Mmanual bootingdescription 3-6Micro-CS upgrade D-1mop command 3-17mop -d command 3-17Nnet command 3-17normal modeerror indicator states 4-2error-free sequence 4-2power-up and booting sequence 4-1power-up error states 4-2Ooption_key command 3-18option_key -d command 3-18Pping command 3-18port pin/signal allocations A-1port upgradeinstructions 2-1, C-1ports command 3-19power-upapplying power 2-3failures during 2-4in normal mode 4-1in SETUP mode 4-3instructions 2-3running self-tests 2-4self-testing procedures during 2-3sequence 4-1setting to test mode 2-3power-up and boot sequence 4-1preferred load hostsetting 3-5RRARP 2-6ROM Monitorcommand syntax 3-1commands 3-1description of 1-4list of commands 3-1Ssequence command 3-21examples 3-21Serial Devices 2-2settingboot sequence 3-21broadcast address 3-5Internet address 3-5IP encapsulation 3-5load/dump gateway address 3-5preferred load host address 3-5SLIP parameters 3-22subnet mask 3-5SETUP Mode 4-3SETUP modeerror-free power-up sequence 4-4size 1-9SLIPparameters 3-23slip command 3-22example 3-24