28 ELS100-24TXM User Interface ELS100-24TXMMenu HierarchyFigure 3-2 shows the ELS100-24TXM switch user interface menuhierarchy.Figure 3-2. ELS100-24TXM User Interface Menu HierarchyS y s t e mConfigurationMenuSNMP Configuration MenuS y s t e m N a m eSystem LocationSystem ContactIP AddressSubnet MaskDefault GatewayB o o t P / D H C P E n a b l eScreen Timeout (minutes)P a s s w o r dTerminal Baud RateSwitchConfigurationMenuForwarding Table Configuration MenuSpanning Tree Configuration MenuVLAN Configuration MenuClass of Service Configuration MenuForwarding Table Aging Time (seconds)Broadcast Cutoff RatePort Mirroring EnableMirrored PortMirroring PortPort Menu IDP o r t N a m eEnable StatusLink StatusAuto Negotiated StatusFull Duplex StatusSpeed (10/100Mbps)Port TypeFlow ControlConfigureSwitchStatisticsScreenIDTransmittedReceivedForwardedFilteredD r o p p e dErroredSwitch SummaryPort StatisticsGeneralInformationScreen Software VersionSerial NumberB a s e M A C A d d r e s sUp Time (minutes)Power Up CountDownload Software MenuSave Current ConfigurationReturn to Default ConfigurationLogoutR e s e tV L A N E n a b l eV L A N M e n uVLAN Port MenuIDV L A N N a m ePorts in VLANVLAN Egress PortsConfigurePort IDP o r t N a m eTypeModify Port TypePort #n StatisticsPort IDP o r t N a m ePriority DefaultConfigurePort IDP o r t N a m ePath CostPort PriorityPort StateSelect PortS N M P P r i v a t e C o m m u n i t y N a m eS N M P P u b l i c C o m m u n i t y N a m eTrap Destination #1-4C o m m u n i t y N a m e # 1 - 4Display TableMake Entry StaticAdd Static EntryDelete Static EntryModify Static EntrySearch by Port#Search by MAC AddressSpanning Tree Protocol EnablePort Configuration MenuHello Time (seconds)Forward Delay (seconds)Max Age (seconds)Bridge PriorityClass of Service EnablePriority ThresholdConfigure Port PriorityP o r t N a m ePort EnableFlow Control EnableAuto-negotiation EnableFull DuplexPort SpeedFrames TransmittedF r a m e s R e c e i v e dF r a m e s F o r w a r d e dFrames FilteredF r a m e s D r o p p e dF r a m e s E r r o r e dFrames Transmitted CollisionsF r a m e s R e c e i v e d Late CollisionsF r a m e s F o r w a r d e d CRC/Alignment ErrorsFrames Filtered Undersized FramesF r a m e s D r o p p e d Oversized FramesBroadcasts Transmitted F r a g m e n t sBroadcasts Received JabbersMulticasts Transmitted 64 Byte FramesMulticasts Received 65 to 127 Byte FramesBytes Transmitted 128 to 255 Byte FramesBytes Received 256 to 511 Byte FramesPause Frames Transmitted 512 to 1023 Byte FramesPause Frames Received 1024 to 1518 Byte Frames