4-20Traveling to Remote AreasIt makes sense to plan your trip, especially when goingto a remote area. Know the terrain and plan your route.You are much less likely to get bad surprises. Getaccurate maps of trails and terrain. Try to learn of anyblocked or closed roads.It’s also a good idea to travel with at least one othervehicle. If something happens to one of them, the othercan help quickly.Getting Familiar with Off-Road DrivingIt’s a good idea to practice in an area that’s safe andclose to home before you go into the wilderness.Off - road driving does require some new and differentdriving skills. Here’s what we mean.Tune your senses to different kinds of signals. Youreyes, for example, need to constantly sweep the terrainfor unexpected obstacles. Your ears need to listen forunusual tire or engine sounds. With your arms, hands,feet and body, you’ll need to respond to vibrations andvehicle bounce.Controlling your vehicle is the key to successfuloff - road driving. One of the best ways to control yourvehicle is to control your speed. Here are some things tokeep in mind. At higher speeds: you approach things faster and you have less time toscan the terrain for obstacles. you have less time to react. you have more vehicle bounce when you driveover obstacles. you’ll need more distance for braking, especiallysince you’re on an unpaved surface.CAUTION:When you’re driving off- road, bouncing andquick changes in direction can easily throw youout of position. This could cause you to losecontrol and crash. So, whether you’re driving onor off the road, you and your passengers shouldwear safety belts.