8-5GM Mobility Program for Personswith DisabilitiesThis program, available toqualified applicants, canreimburse you up to $1,000toward aftermarket driveror passenger adaptiveequipment you may requirefor your vehicle (handcontrols, wheelchair/scooterlifts, etc.).This program can also provide you with free resourceinformation, such as area driver assessment centers andmobility equipment installers. The program is availablefor a limited period of time from the date of vehiclepurchase/lease. See your dealer for more details or callthe GM Mobility Assistance Center at 1- 800- 323- 9935.Text telephone (TTY) users, call 1- 800- 833- 9935.GM of Canada also has a Mobility Program.Call 1- 800- GM- DRIVE (463- 7483) for details.When calling from outside Canada, please dial1- 905- 644- 3063. All TTY users call 1- 800- 263- 3830.Roadside ServiceCadillac’s exceptional Roadside Service is more than anauto club or towing service. It provides every Cadillacowner with the advantage of contacting a Cadillacadvisor and, where available, a Cadillac trained dealertechnician who can provide on- site service.Each technician travels with a specially equipped servicevehicle complete with the necessary Cadillac parts andtools required to handle most roadside repairs.