• For 8 years or 80,000 miles, whichevercomes first:− If the catalytic converter, vehicle powertraincontrol module or emission related softwareis found to be defective, GM will repair or replaceit under the Federal Emission Control SystemWarranty.• For 8 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comesfirst for a Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle(SULEV):− If an emission related part listed in this bookletspecially noted with 7 years/70,000 miles or8 years/80,000 miles is defective, GM will repairor replace it. This is your Long-term EmissionControl System Defect Warranty.• For 15 years or 150,000 miles, whichever comesfirst for a Partial Zero Emission Vehicle (PZEV):− If any emission related part listed in this bookletis defective GM will repair or replace it. This isyour (PZEV) Emission Control System DefectsWarranty.• For heavy duty gasoline engine vehicles,the emission warranty period is 5 years or50,000 miles, whichever comes first.• For heavy duty diesel engine vehicles,the emission warranty period is 5 years,100,000 miles, or 3,000 hours of operation,whichever comes first.Any authorized Cadillac dealer will, as necessaryunder these warranties, replace, repair, or adjust toGM specifications any genuine GM parts that affectemissions.The applicable warranty period shall begin on the datethe vehicle is delivered to the first retail purchaseror, if the vehicle is first placed in service as ademonstrator or company vehicle prior to sale at retail,on the date the vehicle is placed in such service.19