State Warranty Enforcement LawsLaws in many states permit owners to obtain areplacement vehicle or a refund of the purchase priceunder certain circumstances. The provisions ofthese laws vary from state to state. To the extentallowed by state law, GM requires that you first provideus with written notification of any service difficultyyou have experienced so that we have an opportunity tomake any needed repairs before you are eligible forthe remedies provided by these laws. Your writtennotification should be sent to the Cadillac CustomerAssistance Center.Assistance For Text Telephone (TTY)UsersTo assist customers who are deaf or hard of hearingand who use Text Telephones (TTYs), Cadillac hasTTY equipment available at its Customer AssistanceCenter and Roadside Assistance Center.The TTY for the Cadillac Customer Assistance Center is:1-800-833-2622 in the United States1-800-263-3830 in CanadaThe TTY for the Cadillac Roadside Assistance Center is:1-888-889-2438 in the U.S. and CanadaCadillac Roadside AssistanceCadillac is proud to offer the response, security, andconvenience of Cadillac’s 24-Hour Roadside Service.Refer to your owner manual for details, or consult yourdealer. The Cadillac Roadside Assistance Centercan be reached by calling 1-800-882-1112. This programis not available in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.Cadillac Courtesy TransportationDuring the Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty coverageperiod, interim transportation may be available underthe Cadillac Gold Key Courtesy Transportation Program.Consult your dealer for details.Warranty Information for California OnlyCalifornia Civil Code Section 1793.2(d) requires that,if GM or its representatives are unable to repair anew motor vehicle to conform to the vehicle’sapplicable express warranties after a reasonablenumber of attempts, GM shall either replace thenew motor vehicle or reimburse the buyer theamount paid or payable by the buyer.30