Black plate (57,1)Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Navigation System (Includes Mex) - 2012Infotainment System 57Voice VolumePress the Voice Volume screenbutton to change the volume of thevoice prompts or to turn the voiceprompts on and off.Master Volume Level: Press the+ (plus) or − (minus) screen buttonsto increase or to decrease thevolume of all voice categories.Voice Guidance: Press to turnvoice instructions on and off whiletraveling on a planned route. Voiceguidance is on when the button ishighlighted.Traffic Event Voice Prompt: Pressto turn traffic voice instructions onand off. Traffic voice is on when thebutton is highlighted.Speech Recognition Prompt:Press to turn speech recognitionprompts on and off. Speech promptsare on when the button ishighlighted.Speech Confirmation Feedback:Press to turn speech confirmationfeedback on and off. Speechfeedback is on when the button ishighlighted.Route PreferencePress the Route Preference screenbutton to change route optionswhen the system calculates a route.Avoid Freeway: The systemavoids major roads when calculatinga planned route.Avoid Toll Road: The systemavoids toll roads when calculating aplanned route.Avoid Ferry: The system avoidsferries when calculating a plannedroute.Avoid time and seasonalrestricted road: The systemavoids time restricted and seasonalroads when calculating a plannedroute.Back TrackPress the Back Track screen buttonto turn recording and displaying onand off or to delete the path beingtraveled when not on amarked road.Record Back Track: When thisfeature is active the system startsrecording the path being traveledwhen not on a marked road. Thisbutton highlights when it is active.Display Back Track: When thisfeature is active the system displaysthe path that is being traveled. Thispath is a simulation since the mapdatabase coverage will not havethese roads on the system. Thisbutton highlights when it is active.Delete Recorded Back Track:Press to delete the recorded path.Map Database InformationPress the Map DatabaseInformation screen button to viewsystem information.