To make your ownership experienceas satisfying and rewarding aspossible, we are proud to provideyou with Cadillac’s exceptionalOwner Privileges, designed toaccommodate you anytime andanywhere.ROADSIDE SERVICE1-800-882-1112Roadside Service provides everyCadillac owner with the advantage ofcontacting a Cadillac advisor and,when appropriate, a Cadillac-traineddealer technician who can provideon-site services:• Towing Service• Battery Jump-Starting• Lockout Assistance• Fuel Delivery• Flat Tire AssistanceTrip Interruption: If your trip isinterrupted due to a componentfailure covered under warranty,incidental expenses may bereimbursed, including hotel, mealsand rental car.Courtesy Transportation: You maybe provided with courtesytransportation for warranted repairs,including shuttle service for same-day repairs and loaner transportationfor overnight repair.Roadside Service and OnStar (ifequipped): If your vehicle is OnStar-equipped, press the blue OnStarbutton and the vehicle will send yourcurrent GPS location to an OnStarAdvisor who will speak to you,assess your problem, contactRoadside Service and relay yourexact location so you will get thehelp you need.Roadside Service is also available toCadillac customers beyond thewarranty period for a charge.CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE1-800-458-8006Should you need to ask a question,make a comment, or requestadditional information, the CadillacCustomer Assistance Center is staffedaround the clock with professionalsto serve you.When you call Cadillac RoadsideService or Customer Assistance,when possible, please provide thephone advisor with:• Your telephone number andlocation• Your Cadillac’s location• A description of the problem• Vehicle Identification Number• Year and model of your Cadillac• Delivery date• Current mileageCADILLAC ONLINEFor more information about yourCadillac, including access to theCadillac Owner Center at MyGMLink, visit Safety &Security Comfort Performance &MaintenanceEntertainment Convenience OwnerPrivileges TMCertain restrictions, precautions and safetyprocedures apply to your vehicle. Pleaseread your Owner Manual for completeinstructions. All information containedherein is based on information availableat the time of printing and is subject tochange without notice.Escalade is a registered trademark ofCadillac Motor Car Division and GeneralMotors Corporation. Copyright 2006 byCadillac Motor Car Division. All rightsreserved.Owner Privileges TMEscalade 2007 B 1/11/07 12:17 PM Page 23