Refer to Owner Manual for further information. 3HEATED FRONT SEATSThis feature allows you to heat the frontseatbacks and seat cushionssimultaneously or just the seatbacks.Three heat settings are available. Thecontrols are located on the driver andfront passenger door panels.Select a heat setting for both theseatback and seat cushion• Press and release the horizontalbutton (“1” above) until the indicatorlight shows the desired setting.Select a heat setting for the seatbackonly• Press and release the vertical button(“2” left) until the indicator lightshows the desired setting.CLIMATE CONTROL SEATS —PLATINUM EDITIONWith the climate control seats you canchoose to heat or cool your seat. Theseats will only operate either in the heator cool mode; for example, you cannotcool the seat cushion while heating theseatback. To operate the climate controlseats, do the following:• Press the red heat button or the bluecool button (“1” above).• Seatback Only: This can only be usedfor the heat feature. Press this button(“2” left) to heat the seatback andcycle through the heat settings ofhigh, medium, low and off. Redindicator lights will glow for each heatsetting chosen: three lights for high,two for medium and one for low. Alight in the button will also glow toindicate the seatback heat is on.• Entire Seat: Press this button (“3” left)to heat or cool the entire seat andcycle through the settings of high,medium, low and off. Red (for heat)or blue (for cool) indicator lights willglow for each setting chosen: threelights for high, two for medium andone for low.Seats and Mirrors21DriverInformation Seats andMirrors AutomaticClimateControlsVehiclePersonalization OwnerPrivilegesTMEntertainment/ConvenienceFeaturesDrive andSecuritySystems11112 23 3Note: You may hear a fan running when theclimate control seats are turned on. This isnormal for the operation of this feature.