19AppendixPrinting Data through Infrared CommunicationIf you have a computer, PDA or mobile phone with an Infrared Port for wireless data communication, youcan print data with a cordless connection with the printer. You can also print images, an address book,schedule, or memos received from a PDA (Personal Digital Assistance) or mobile phone in a specifiedformat through infrared communication. Requirements for Infrared Communication with the ComputerPrinting through infrared communication can be performed under Windows XP, Windows Me,Windows 2000 or Windows 98. In order to use infrared communication, your computer must satisfy thefollowing requirements:CPU Intel Pentium or higherIrDA IrDA 1.1 compliantBaud rate (communication speed) Max. 4 MbpsInfrared communication device Infrared communication port incorporated in the computer• When printing through infrared communication, the Microsoft infrared communication driver musthave been installed in Windows 98 computer or later.• In Windows 98 or Windows Me, check whether the infrared communication driver has beeninstalled. To activate the infrared port, carry out the following operation:1. Click Start, and select Settings and then Control Panel sequentially.2. Check whether the Wireless Link icon (Windows Me) or the Infrared icon (Windows 98) isdisplayed in the window.If this icon is displayed, the required infrared driver has already been installed. If this icon is notdisplayed, change the BIOS setting to activate (turn on) the Infrared Port. For the procedure,refer to your computer manual.In Windows 98, follow the procedure below:3. Double-click the Infrared icon.4. Check whether the Enable infrared communication check box is selected. If the check box isnot selected, select it.• Before printing data or using a maintenance function of the printer driver, ensure that the name ofthe printer is displayed by placing the mouse pointer on the Wireless Link icon (For Windows 98,click the Infrared icon) on the Control Panel.• In Windows XP or Windows 2000, BJ Status Monitor is not displayed.