99Customization[RGN] R GainAdjust the intensity of red tones in the range -50 to +50.[GGN] G GainAdjust the intensity of green tones in the range -50 to +50.[BGN] B GainAdjust the intensity of blue tones in the range -50 to +50.[RGM] R-G MatrixThe R-G matrix changes the tint of the picture along the cyan/green and red/magenta gradations withoutaffecting blues. Adjust the level in the range -50 to +50.[RBM] R-B MatrixThe R-B matrix changes the tint of the picture along the cyan/blue and red/yellow gradations withoutaffecting greens. Adjust the level in the range -50 to +50.[GRM] G-R MatrixThe G-R matrix changes the tint of the picture along the magenta/red and green/cyan gradations withoutaffecting blues. Adjust the level in the range -50 to +50.[GBM] G-B MatrixThe G-B matrix changes the tint of the picture along the magenta/blue and green/yellow gradations withoutaffecting reds. Adjust the level in the range -50 to +50.[BRM] B-R MatrixThe B-R matrix changes the tint of the picture along the yellow/red and blue/cyan gradations withoutaffecting greens. Adjust the level in the range -50 to +50.[BGM] B-G MatrixThe B-G matrix changes the tint of the picture along the yellow/green and blue/magenta gradations withoutaffecting reds. Adjust the level in the range -50 to +50.