Part 3: Operating Instructions BJC-50003-183.4 Service ModeThe printer starts the service mode when the control buttons are pressed. To avoiddata loss by misoperation, use the service mode only when necessary.Use the following procedure to start the service mode.1) Press and hold down theRESUME button, and then press thePOWER button. Theindicator starts blinking in green.2) While theindicator is blinking, press theRESUME button twice. After the initializingoperation, the beeper sounds once to indicate that the service mode has started.3) After theindicator stops blinking and lights in green, press theRESUME button for thespecified number of times depending on the function you wish to perform (seeTable3-3 Service Mode below). (Every time you press theRESUME button, the beepersounds once. Theindicator lights in green and orange alternately.)4) Press thePOWER button to execute the specified function. (Excluding the First TimeFlag ON/OFF function.)*: When you press thePOWER button in step 4 of the above operation, theindicatorlights in orange if the First Time Flag is set to ON, and it lights in green if the flag isset to OFF. After this operation, when theRESUME button is pressed, the ON andOFF setting is switched, and then the printer is turned off automatically. If youpress thePOWER button, not theRESUME button, the printer will turn offautomatically without changing the ON/OFF setting.Table 3-3 Service ModeFunction(Enters the normaloperation mode.)Ripple pattern printService informationprintAuto alignmentsensor calibrationWaste ink counterdata clearWaste ink countersetting 25%Waste ink countersetting 50%Waste ink countersetting 75%First Time FlagON/OFFCarriage/LFoperation testEEPROM all clearNo. of timesRESUME ispressed0 times(RESUME isnot pressed.)OnceTwice3 times4 times5 times6 times7 times8 times9 times10 timesIndicatorLights in greenLights in orangeLights in greenLights in orangeLights in greenLights in orangeLights in greenLights in orangeLights in greenLights in orangeLights in greenRemarksBeeper sounds twice and printer entersthe normal operation mode.Continuous printing in A4-size paperwidth. Stops printing when the printer isturned off.After printing the pattern, the printer isautomatically turned off.After printing the pattern, the printer isautomatically turned off. (Black BJcartridge must be installed.)After executing the function, the printer isautomatically turned off.After executing the function, the printer isautomatically turned off.After executing the function, the printer isautomatically turned off.After executing the function, the printer isautomatically turned off.See the note below.*The test stops when the printer is turnedoff.After executing the function, the printer isautomatically turned off.