214TroubleshootingProblems and SolutionsCheck to see if a print job has been canceled before completionIf you cancel a print job during printing, the data remaining in the printer may cause theprinter to produce strange characters. In this situation, restart the computer and the printer,and start the print job again.If you are using Windows, click Start, point to Programs, click BJ Printer, then click BJPrinter Monitor and cancel the print job.Determine if the problem exists only within a particular documentIf unknown characters and letters are printed only for a specific document file, then theproblem may exist within that file, or the software application that you are using. In thiscase, try typing the same text in a newly created file. If the new document prints normallythen the problem exists in the original document file. If the same problem occurs with thenew file, call the Canon Customer Care Center.Before You Call For Service