228TroubleshootingProblems and Solutions Cannot print to the end of the print jobPart of the text is missing at the bottom of the last page printed and the following pages arenot printed.Printer Features Simple, compact designThe light, yet sturdy construction ofthe BJC-85 allows easy set upand operation, even for beginners. Variety of print mediaThe printer produces superb color printingon plain paper or coated paper like Canon'sHigh Resolution Paper, but for professionaljobs you may prefer one of the many specialmedia you can use with this printer, liketransparencies for OHP presentations, backprint film, glossy photo paper, high gloss film,or glossy photo cards. Drop Modulation TechnologyThe BC-11e Color BJ Cartridge andBC-12e Photo BJ Cartridge employCanon’s new dual drop technology,which produces fine halftones withcombinations of large and small dots,resulting in truly stunning colorphotographs on Canon special medialike high resolution paper, glossy photopaper, or high gloss film. Easy operationIn the printer driver you only need toselect the BJ cartridge and type ofmedia for the print job to producesensational results. Printing onspecial media like back print film wasnever easier.Printer Features Simple, compact designThe light, yet sturdy construction ofthe BJC-85 allows easy set upand operation, even for beginners,and it will not require much spacein your work area. Variety of print mediaThe printer produces superb colour printingon plain paper or coated paper like CanonHigh Resolution Paper HR-101, but forprofessional jobs you may prefer one of themany special media you can use with thisprinter, like transparencies for OHPpresentations, back print film, fabric sheet,glossy photo paper, high gloss film, orglossy photo cards. Drop Modulation TechnologyThe Color BJ Cartridges BC-21e andBC-22e Photo employ Canon’s newdual drop technology, which producesfine halftones with combinations oflarge and small dots, resulting in trulystunning colour photographs onCanon special media like highresolution paper, glossy photo paper,or high gloss film. Easy operationIn the printer driver you only need toselect the BJ Cartridge and type ofmedia for the print job to producesensational results. Printing onspecial media like fabric sheet andback print film was never easier.NormalAbnormal (part of last page missing)