Windows 98/Me Properties 2-23Printing2[Matching Method]Specifies the matching method by assigning highest priority when theDriver Matching Mode is selected in the Matching Mode box.Perceptual [Monitor Color Matched]:Gives priority to matching the hue of the color on the monitor with thecolor of the printed output.Perceptual [Photographic]:Gives priority to color hue in matching and generates the colors on themonitor.Colorimetric:Gives priority to reducing the color difference between the originaldocument on the screen (a logo, for example) and the printed output.Saturation:Gives priority to vividness in matching.NOTEThis option can be selected only when Driver Matching Mode or ICM Mode is selectedfor Matching Mode.[Monitor Profile] Specifies the setting suitable for your monitor when the Driver MatchingMode is selected in the Matching Mode box.NOTEIn the case where several gamma values are provided for one option, to obtain betterresults select the higher gamma value if the printed image is lighter than that of themonitor.If the monitor is set to a custom setting, it is difficult to produce printed output similar tothe color of the monitor when performing matching.[Gamma] Specifies the gamma correction value when the Gamma Adjustment isselected in the Matching Mode box.The brightness of the document printout can be adjusted without losingthe brightest and darkest portion of the document.This option is useful when the printout result is brighter than the originalimage (for example, a photograph before scanning or graphicsdisplayed on the monitor), or when you want to intentionally change thebrightness of the output.Four gamma correction values are provided. The larger the value, thedarker the printout is.1.01.4 Default value1.82.2[Restore Defaults] Resets all the current settings to their default values.