General Notes (Scanner Driver)The scanner driver (ICA (Image Capture Architecture) driver) is subject to the following restrictions. Keepthese points in mind when using the scanner driver.Scanner Driver Restrictions• If the computer is shared among multiple users or when you have logged out and back on, a messageindicating that the scanner driver is in use may appear. In that case, disconnect the USB cable fromthe computer, then reconnect it.• Scanning may fail if the computer has resumed from sleep state with the scanner driver active. In thatcase, follow these steps and scan again.1. Turn off the machine.2. Exit the scanner driver, then disconnect the USB cable from the computer and reconnect it.3. Turn on the machine.• Do not connect two or more scanners or multifunction printers with scanner function to the samecomputer simultaneously. If multiple scanning devices are connected, you may experience errorswhile accessing the devices.• When using a network compatible model by connecting to a network, the machine cannot beaccessed from multiple computers at the same time.• When using a network compatible model by connecting to a network, scanning takes longer thanusual.• Make sure that you have adequate disk space available when scanning large images at highresolutions. For example, at least 300 MB of free space is required to scan an A4 document at 600dpi in full-color.• Do not enter the computer into sleep or hibernate state during scanning.169