Canon EF-555-250mm f/4-5.6 IS STM Instructions Manual
Canon CANON®EF Lens and Accessories Limited Warranty-For U.S.A. & Canada OnlyThelimitedwarranty set forthbelowis givenbyCanonU.S.A., Inc. (CanonU.S.A.) intheUnited StatesorCanon Ca nada . Inc. 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CANON SH ALL NOT BELIABLE FOR LOSS OF REVENUES OR PROFITS, INCONVENIENCE, EXPENSEFOR SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT OR SERVICE, STORAGE CHA RGES, LOSS OR CORRUPTION OFDATA, OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, WITHOUTLIMITATION, ANY LOSSOF FILM) CAUSED BY THE USE OR MISUSEOF,OR INABILITY TO USE, A PROD UCT, REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL THEORY ONWHICHTHE CLAIM IS BASED, AND EVENIFCANO N HAS BEENADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITYO F SUCH DAMAGES.IN NO EVENTSHALL RECOVERY O F ANY KIND AGAINSTCANON BE GREATER IN AMOUNT TH AN THE PURC HA SE PRICE OF THE PRODUCTSOLD BYCANON A NDCAUSING THE ALLEGED DAMAGE. WITHOUT LIMITING THEFOREGOING, YO U ASSUME ALLRISK AND LIABILITY FOR LOSS. DAMAGE OR INJURY TOYOUAND YOUR PROPERTY AND TO OTHERS AND THEIR PROPERTY ARISINGOUT OFUSE O R MISUSEOF, OR INABILITY TO US E, THE PRODUCT NOT CAUS ED SOLELY AND DIRECTLY BY THE NEGLIGENCEOFCANON (SOME STATES AND PROVINCESDONOTALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATI ON OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLYTO YOU). THISLIMITED WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER OF A PRODUCT, OR THE PERSON FO R WHOMITWAS PURCHASEDASA GIFT.AND STATESYOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY.This limitedwarranty gives you specific legal rights.andyoumay also have other rights, which vary from statetostate (or provincetoprovincein Canada).Canon U.S.A., Inc.Canon Canada, Inc.RegisterNow!Visit www.registercanon.comto register your newEF&EF-SLensestoday and receive thefollowing:• Telephone support*• E-mail support*• Product protection*• Receive information on new products and promotions*There is no chargetoregister or{orthe benefits offered. * These benefitsvalidin the U.S. only.Please r ead the {orcompletedetails.canonFor accessories andother Aut horized Canon Dealer.© 2010 CANON U.S A., I NC. |
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