112345IntroductionContents ata GlanceBasicOperationAdvancedOperationAdvancedImage Editingand PrintingEditingJPEG/TIFFImagesIndexProcessingLarge Numbersof ImagesReferenceCANON SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENTIMPORTANT - READ THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE ON THE CD-ROMIN THIS BOX. BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OFTHIS AGREEMENT.This is a license agreement (the [Agreement]) between you and Canon Inc. ([Canon]).IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOTUSE THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM ON THE CD-ROM AND THE USER MANUAL IN THIS BOX(COLLECTIVELY, THE [SOFTWARE]) AND RETURN THE SOFTWARE WITHIN 30 DAYS FROMTHE DATE OF PURCHASE TO YOUR POINT OF PURCHASE FOR A REFUND.In consideration of the right to use the SOFTWARE, you agree to abide by the terms and conditionsof this Agreement.1. LICENSE: Canon grants you the non-exclusive right to use the SOFTWARE only on a singlecomputer. You may physically transfer the SOFTWARE from one computer to another providedthat the SOFTWARE is used on only one computer at a time. You shall not install or use theSOFTWARE on a network, multiple CPU, multiple site arrangement, or any other hardwareconfiguration where the SOFTWARE is accessible to more than one CPU or to more than oneuser.YOU SHALL NOT ASSIGN, SUBLICENSE, RENT, LEASE, LOAN, CONVEY OR OTHERWISE USE,TRANSFER, COPY, TRANSLATE, CONVERT TO ANOTHER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE,ALTER, MODIFY, DECOMPILE OR DISASSEMBLE THE SOFTWARE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART,EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT.2. BACK-UP COPY: You may make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for back-up purposes, orcopy the SOFTWARE onto the permanent storage device (e.g. a hard disk) of your computerand retain the original for back-up purposes. Any other copying of the SOFTWARE is a violationof this Agreement. You must reproduce and include the copyright notice on the back-up copy.3. SUPPORT AND UPDATES: Canon is not responsible for providing maintenance or support foruse of the SOFTWARE. No updates, fixes or support will be made available for theSOFTWARE.4. LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: It is your responsibility to choose,maintain and match the hardware and software components of your computer system. ThusCanon does not guarantee uninterrupted service or correction of errors or that the functions orperformance of the SOFTWARE will meet your requirements. THE SOFTWARE IS LICENSEDON AN [AS IS] BASIS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. The CD-ROM storing theSOFTWARE is warranted only against defective material under normal use for a period of ninety(90) days after purchase from an authorized Canon dealer as evidenced by your sales receipt.Your sole remedy for a defective CD-ROM shall be replacement of the same without chargewhen returned by you at your expense to your point of purchase and proven to be defectiveupon inspection. The replacement CD-ROM will be warranted for the remainder of the originalninety (90) day warranty period of the defective CD-ROM. The limited warranty does not apply ifthe failure of the CD-ROM resulted from accident, abuse or misapplication of the SOFTWAREand shall not extend to anyone other than the original user of the SOFTWARE.EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THIS PARAGRAPH 4, CANON, CANON’SSUBSIDIARIES, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE.NEITHER CANON NOR ANY OF CANON’S SUBSIDIARIES, DISTRIBUTORS OR DEALERS ISLIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES HOWSOEVER CAUSED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL LOSS OR DAMAGE INCLUDING LOSS OFPROFITS, EXPENSE OR INCONVENIENCE HOWSOEVER CAUSED OR ARISING OUT OF THESOFTWARE OR THE USE THEREOF.NEITHER CANON, NOR ANY OF CANON’S SUBSIDIARIES, DISTRIBUTORS OR DEALERSSHALL HAVE ANY OBLIGATION TO INDEMNIFY YOU AGAINST ANY CLAIM OR SUITBROUGHT BY A THIRD PARTY ALLEGING THAT THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE THEREOFINFRINGES ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF SUCH THIRD PARTY.5. TERM: This Agreement is effective upon your using the SOFTWARE and remains in effect untilexpiration of all copyright interests in the SOFTWARE unless earlier terminated. You mayterminate this Agreement by destroying the SOFTWARE. This Agreement will also terminatewithout notice to you if you fail to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement and you mustthen promptly return the SOFTWARE. In addition, Canon may enforce its other legal rights.6. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS NOTICE: The SOFTWARE is provided withrestricted rights. Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions as set forth in eithersubparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer software clause atDFARs 252.227-7013 or subparagraph (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer SoftwareRestricted Rights Clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.7. SEVERABILITY: In the event that any provision of this Agreement is declared or found to beillegal by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be null and voidwith respect to the jurisdiction of that court or tribunal and all the remaining provisions of thisAgreement shall remain in full force and effect.8. CONTROLLING LAW: The terms of this Agreement as it relates to purchases of the Software inthe United States of America shall be governed and construed in all respects in accordance withthe laws and regulations of the State of New York, without reference to choice of law principles.The terms of this Agreement as it relates to purchases of the Software in Canada shall begoverned by the laws of the province of Ontario.9. OWNERSHIP: All rights, including but not limited to copyrights and trade secret rights, to theSOFTWARE belong to Canon, its affiliated corporations and third party licensors. Your use ofthe SOFTWARE is subject to the United States, Canada and other applicable copyright andtrademark laws and nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver of the rights of Canon, itsaffiliated corporations and third party licensors under such laws.Nothing contained in Paragraph 1 shall be construed to give Canon any ownership rights in anyimages, graphics or textual material that you save in connection with the Software.10.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOUHAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTOOD IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITSTERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ALSO AGREE THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS THECOMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND CANONCONCERNING THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF AND SUPERSEDES ALL PROPOSALSOR PRIOR AGREEMENTS, VERBAL OR WRITTEN, AND ANY OTHER COMMUNICATIONSBETWEEN THE PARTIES RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. NOAMENDMENT TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE EFFECTIVE UNLESS SIGNED BY A DULYAUTHORIZED OFFICER OF CANON.READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING!COPY