24Keep the following points in mind when using the receiver.In certain countries and regions, the use of GPS may be restricted.Therefore, be sure to use GPS in accordance with the laws andregulations of your country or region. Be particularly careful whentraveling outside your home country.Be careful about using GPS functions where the operation ofelectronic devices is restricted.Others may be able to locate or identify you by using location data inyour geotagged pictures or movies. Be careful when sharing theseimages or GPS log files with others, as when posting them onlinewhere many others can view them.GPS signal reception may take longer after battery replacement, orwhen you have not used GPS functions for some time.Never leave the receiver near any equipment that generates astrong magnetic field, such as magnets or electric motors.One log file is created every 24 hours according to CoordinatedUniversal Time. (Abbreviated UTC, this is essentially the same asGreenwich Mean Time.) For this reason, depending on the timedifference from UTC to the shooting location, only one log file may becreated even if logging is active over a period of two days. Similarly, twoseparate log files may be created even if logging is only active over aperiod of one day.GPS PrecautionsLog FilesCOPY