88 8-58-5Service Mode > COPIER > OPTION > BODYService Mode > COPIER > OPTION > BODY■ SPLMANCOPIER > FUNCTION > SPLMANSmall Item DescriptionTOP-CST Adjustment of leading edge margin when feeding from cassette.Adjustment in: 0.1mmSetting range: 50 ~ 150 (Default value: 104)LEFT-CST Adjustment of left margin when feeding from cassette.Adjustment in: 0.1mmSetting range: 50 ~ 150 (Default value: 97)OPTION■ BODYCOPIER > OPTION > BODYSmall Item DescriptionLOCALE To set country group.1: JAPAN2: USA3: KOREA4: CHINA5: TAIWAN6: EUROPE7: ASIA8: OCEANIAExecute the following service mode to enable this setting.COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ALLSelect the country group, and then select COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ALL. The machinewill be automatically restarted.If USA, EUROPE, ASIA, or OCEANIA is selected as the country group, make selections for“Language” and ”Select Country/Region” when the machine is restarted.The options available for “Language” and ”Select Country/Region” are shown in the followinglist.Country group Language Select ountry/RegionUSA EnglishFrenchPortugueseSpanishUnited States (US)Canada (CA)Brazil (BR)Mexico (MX)OtherT-8-11T-8-12Country group Language Select ountry/RegionEUROPE BulgarianCroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEstonianFinnishFrenchGermanGrrekHangarianItalianNorwegianPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSlovakSloveneSpanishSwedishTurkishAustria (AT)Belarus (BY)Belgium (BE)Czech Republic (CZ)Denmark (DK)Egypt (EG)Finland (FI)France (FR)Germany (DE)Greece (GR)Hungary (HU)Ieland (IE)Italy (IT)Jodan (JO)Luxembourg (LU)Netherland (NL)Norway (NO)Poland (PL)Portugal (PT)Russia (RU)Saudi Arabia (SA)Slovenia (SI)South Africa (ZA)Spain (ES)Sweden (SE)Switzerland (CH)Ukraina (UA)Great Britain (GB)OtherASIA Chinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)EnglishFrranchJapaneseKoreanPortugueseSpanishThaiVietnameseHongkong (HK)Singapore (SG)Malaysia (MY)Vetnam (VN)Argentina (AR)Other (Asia)Other (Latin America)